The forces of light will guide you directly into the abyss

We truely live in apocalyptic times. Never before in history we had to witness so many genocides in such a short period of time. The amount of brutality is just unbelievable for a mind that tries to orient itself towards morality.
To relieve the pain, the mind is seeking for explanations for these unseen atrocities. It is easy to grasp for “explanantions” circling in new-age touched social media channels. Regularly they are variations of the inevitable great war between the forces of light and the forces of darkness as laid out in the biblical book of revelations. So you only have to choose the light side, go into full conflict do defeat the dark, to quickly win, so that gods rule on earth can be finally established. It’s also very obvious, which side to choose. The light side is defined by the religious narratives you grew up with. If you are a critical, self-thinking awakened being, you receive the aforementioned narratives from your social media bubble, which makes you believe that you just have to wait until Trump wins victory over the dark forces with his Q-army or that it is a good idea to apply as volunteer in the ukrainian conflict on one of the sides depending on your geographical location. If you got socialised in a super fringe bubble you could even come up with the idea to fight the evil by joining the armies of the PKK in Kurdistan or joining ISIS (pun intended).
So, we see, the forces of light are fighting in all wars on all sides of each front. This was brilliantly expressed by israel PM Netanyahu on 25/10/2023.
Interestingly the very entity he is heading only came to life through another force of light, Nazi-Germany. It even had the Swastika in it’s flag, the ultimate symbol of light. During the war against “Covid” it was also very easy to choose the light side. The media bombarded you with “scientific information” on how to behave morally correct, how to become initiated into the collective of good humans. Just take a tiny shot of this experimental aide.
When we follow down the road of history, we meet a steady flow of victories of the light forces. Let it be the extinction of barbarian culture in Europe and America in the name of Christ, the enslavement of half of africa in the name of the lord, the introduction of caste oriented autocratic rule systems in huge parts of asia in the name of Krishna and Buddha, as well as their destruction in the name of Mao.
So, history tells us: It’ll be all fine, if we just thoroughly strive for the light. The light will always prevail. So, why the heck, it feels like we are at the brink of extinction?

This was a question that really martered me. I received the idea to ask the Master Plants for help to expand my creativity for solving this. Wow! How enlightened I felt. I got a bit frightened by myself, because I felt like Übermensch. Maybe the Nazis also once had similar experiences and felt so enlightened to heal all the problems of the world? - Maybe I should stop my research - But, for the sake of the peace of my soul, I still wanted to have an answer. So … What was the word the Nazis used for the forces of light? It was Arier. I decided to do an etymological research on the notion Arier. What does it actually mean? Gladly others had already done loads of work on this.
The word was first used in the Rigveda, when describing the social status of a Rishi after Indra brought him light. In other words: How to cope with your Übermensch feeling after a psychedelc experience. The very first description of a trip in the eurasian sphere. It says:

opened have you the light for the aryan

down to left you placed the dasyu indra

So the dasyu (the barbarian, not initiated into the cult of light) is of social inferiority. You are Übermensch, one of the chosen by Indra. Just believe what I say I saw, and you are elevated from your minor position and you become one of Us. This is the first building block for the false forces of light, the foundation for authoritarian religion. The starting point for the hypocrisy of our world. It is hypocritic, because the light shines for everyone. Not only for the one who consumes soma. Nor for the one who believes in science. It’s only light when you can see. When someone wants to make you believe, that his light is the only true light, he is actually darkening your world.
And “the light” itself is infinite. Each vision of light, and so each expression of the vision, can only be a tiny little fraction of it. Thus each religious system has to be incomplete, hypocritic.
Of course, the hindu world is very contradictory: From the same sphere also stems the concept of advaita, which has a very advanced understanding of Oneness that implies, the light shines for everyone. But the Hindu society still struggles with serious devaluation of humans. Let it be the caste system or the aggression towards moslems. A multitude of believe systems exist next to each other, as in the whole world. I see it as a nice example, that the challenge of our times is not the war in the outside between wannabee light and other wannabee light forces.
The challenge is to spread light on the dark aspects of our personality. There, hidden under loads of traumatic experience, lays the knowledge, that we are all beings of light. That each one of us has the very same right to express their vision of the light. And no one should ever spread false light. I’m very sure this is concealed in each of us, that we are born with this, as this is a intrinsic constituent of our human being. Everyone who has not integrated this ray into the own light, is missing the most fundamental fraction, and is thus spreading false light.
This tiny little ray of light is the only precondition for world peace. To uncover it from trauma is the meaning of apocalypse.